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Employer Identification Number : ウィキペディア英語版 | Employer Identification Number
Applicable to the United States, an Employer Identification Number or EIN (also known as Federal Employer Identification Number or FEIN) is the corporate equivalent to a Social Security number, although it is issued to anyone, including individuals, who have to pay withholding taxes on employees. It is also issued to entities, such as states, government agencies, corporations, limited liability companies, and any other organization that must have a number for a purpose in addition to reporting withholding tax, such as for opening a bank or brokerage account. ==Employer Identification Number - The Objective== These numbers are used for tax administration and must be not used for any other purpose. For example, EIN should not be used in tax lien auction or sales, lotteries, etc.〔Apply for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) Online, Retrieved 23 March 2015〕
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